We have all fallen victim at one time or another of the proverbial low bid. It does not matter if you are building a large structure or buying dinner for your family. It is an unfortunate common practice (and underhanded) of offering a low bid to complete a project all the well knowing you must return to the owner for further compensation disguised as "extensive or unforeseen change orders." Sometimes blamed on design discrepancies or some other excuses. It's really just to make up for the fact that the low bid originally offered was a work of fiction and now is time to pay what it really costs to complete the work. This practice does no proliferate a long term relationship of trust or transparency with your customer. It always results in a one and done relationship. The customer pays the price. Why is it that people can easily distinguish a dinner at McDonald's compared to dinner at Morton's results in 2 very different prices. Although both are fine dinning choices, Morton's offers significant value and charges accordingly. A no brainer right? If you are always chasing the low bid in life make sure you are aware of the consequences. Maybe the next time you need a root canal try the competitive low bid method. More often than not the low bid was anything but low bid. Or possibly, you could base your decision on the content of the character of the person you are working with rather that strictly price. That's sustainable. That's value added. Only there will you find the best price.
